Saturday, October 17, 2009

Change Islands

Newfoundland's Change Islands are located about 100 km north of Gander, on a line drawn roughly east from the better-known Twillingate, and are reached by a 20-minute ferry ride from Farewell. The islands have an interesting history tied to fishing but, like so many other beautiful but isolated communities, the Change Islands have increasingly-fewer year-round inhabitants. Houses are passing into the hands of come-from-aways who appreciate the character of the islands just as they are changing it.
We were fortunate to stay with Edith B., a genuine islander, who gave us much insight into the local life and history.

Edith's house, where six kids were raised under six-foot ceilings.

Four workshop participants shared the house with Edith for a week. We were a bit unnerved by the sign posted in the shared bathroom.

But dodgy plumbing was no match for the joys of the islands.
Like the views from Edith's front windows. . .

. . . the blueberries that were underfoot almost everywhere we walked. . .

. . . the groaning boards prepared by wonderful Edith three times a day. . .

. . . the photo ops at every turn.

(This is a root cellar. Several are still in use on the island, bomb shelter-like structures, insulated with precious island soil.)

Thanks to professional photographer Andrew Danson for giving a few enthusiastic amateurs a chance to shoot the lights out.

1 comment:

  1. I love your photos Linda! Now I really, really want to return to Newfoundland.
