Thursday, November 19, 2009

Stinking Garlic Festival

On a fine November Sunday, we headed to Watershed Farm in Baker Settlement for the 1st Annual Stinking Rose Garlic Festival. A group of garlic enthusiasts assembled in the beautiful blue-roofed barn to hear about garlic varieties and cultivation and to prepare baskets of fine bulbs for planting

Against a stunning sky, a willing group hoed and planted.

Muddy footwear was abandoned at the door as we enjoyed our reward – a delicious, garlic-laced lunch.

One of my favourite things was watching these little girls experience the pleasures of mud.

Another day to say how lucky we are to live on Nova Scotia's South Shore!


  1. Love, love, love that barn! (a barn is on my "wish list" of things to have) Sounds like fun...although I don't think I could have talked my husband into planting garlic! (the eating part he would have enjoyed though)

  2. We've always coveted a barn, though we have no need for one. They're just so beautiful!
